
아쿠아짐 (수중헬스장비)

그동안 2008. 2. 12. 12:22




                  아쿠아짐. Original AquaGym

                  영국AquaGym 한국대리점

                인터내셔날 퍼시픽 02-893-8551











Original 직수입 Aquagym :AquaRower



*제품설명 AquaRower (직수입 ) The Aqua Rower works all the major muscle groups of the body providing a whole body aerobic workout. The aerobic and strength benefits of using a rowing machine are well known. In addition, the use of buoyancy pods provides r ...( 제품상세정보보기 )


Original 직수입Aquagym :AquaTwister



*제품설명 The New Aqua Twister enables the user to concentrate on the major muscles of the torso, including the abdominals and the obliques, although there is some training effect of the gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings. The Aqua Twister facilit ...( 제품상세정보보기 )



Original 직수입 아쿠아짐: AquaStepper


*제품설명 The AquaStepper The support of the water assists the user in maintaining a constant exercise load whilst working all of the leg muscles. The Aqua Stepper is of particular benefit to the quadriceps, bicep femoris and the gluteus muscles. The load ...( 제품상세정보보기 )


Original 직수입 아쿠아짐: AquaCycle


*제품설명 Original AquaCycle Cycling in the recumbent (reclined) position works the legs and trunk specifically, but as with cycling on land the exercise provides conditioning for the entire body and a complete cardiovascular workout. The steady movements ...( 제품상세정보보기 )


Original 직수입 아쿠아짐: AquaStrider



Original AquaStrider The Aqua Strider station provides the user with a full range of motion in the vertical plane working the legs and buttocks. There is also a significant training effect on the hip flexors and extensors and to a lesser degree on the low ...( 제품상세정보보기 )

Original 직수입 아쿠아짐 : AquaClimber


*제품설명 AquaClimber The Aqua Climber allows the user to work the upper and lower body in equal amounts or subject target areas to a higher workload by simply choosing a different hand grip position. Hand settings vary in height to accommodate individual ...( 제품상세정보보기 )


Original 직수입 아쿠아짐장비: AquaPulldown


* 제품설명 AquaPulldown This machine can be used as a Pulldown Machine to focus work on the back and bicep muscles, as a set of assisted Dip Bars to focus work on the chest and triceps muscles and as a Shoulder Press Machine to focus work on the major sho ...( 제품상세정보보기 )





Original 직수입 Aquagym :AquaRower

Original 직수입 Aquagym :AquaRower


*제품설명 AquaRower (직수입 ) The Aqua Rower works all the major muscle groups of the body providing a whole body aerobic workout. The aerobic and strength benefits of using a rowing machine are well known. In addition, the use of buoyancy pods provides
Original 직수입Aquagym :AquaTwister
Original 직수입Aquagym :AquaTwister
*제품설명 The New Aqua Twister enables the user to concentrate on the major muscles of the torso, including the abdominals and the obliques, although there is some training effect of the gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings. The Aqua Twister facilit
Original 직수입 Aquagym 장비: AquaAbs
Original 직수입 Aquagym 장비: AquaAbs
* 제품설명 The AquaAbs (직수입) The Abs station provides a stable platform for controlled knee lifts, straight leg lifts, sicissor movements and stomach exercises which are essential for complete body conditioning. The user can opt for lifting one leg at
Original 직수입 아쿠아짐장비: AquaStepper
Original 직수입 아쿠아짐장비: AquaStepper  
*제품설명 The AquaStepper The support of the water assists the user in maintaining a constant exercise load whilst working all of the leg muscles. The Aqua Stepper is of particular benefit to the quadriceps, bicep femoris and the gluteus muscles. The load
Original 직수입Aquagym: AquaCycle
Original 직수입Aquagym: AquaCycle  
*제품설명 Original AquaCycle Cycling in the recumbent (reclined) position works the legs and trunk specifically, but as with cycling on land the exercise provides conditioning for the entire body and a complete cardiovascular workout. The steady movements
Original 직수입Aquagym : AquaStrider
Original 직수입Aquagym : AquaStrider  
Original AquaStrider The Aqua Strider station provides the user with a full range of motion in the vertical plane working the legs and buttocks. There is also a significant training effect on the hip flexors and extensors and to a lesser degree on the low
Original 직수입Aquagym: AquaClimber
Original 직수입Aquagym: AquaClimber  
*제품설명 AquaClimber The Aqua Climber allows the user to work the upper and lower body in equal amounts or subject target areas to a higher workload by simply choosing a different hand grip position. Hand settings vary in height to accommodate individual
Original 직수입 Aquagym장비: AquaPulldown
Original 직수입 Aquagym장비: AquaPulldown  
* 제품설명 AquaPulldown This machine can be used as a Pulldown Machine to focus work on the back and bicep muscles, as a set of assisted Dip Bars to focus work on the chest and triceps muscles and as a Shoulder Press Machine to focus work on the major sho





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아쿠아짐 aquagym 수중헬스장비  (0) 2009.09.05